The race starts in a village on the edge of Winchester and follows the Long Distance Trail, the South Downs Way most of the way to Eastbourne, some parts of the route modified for safety reasons (Should 200 seriously knackered runners be encouraged to run along the Seven Sisters clifftops, for instance)
It has a similar feel to the Cotswold Way and, because of the numerous checkpoint/feeding stations, it is broken into similar length stages. Of course if you run CWR you only get to run about 10 or 12 miles. Running the whole 100 miles is really only for those who are fed up with Saturday night telly. That's the other difference, a large proportion of the race is held in the hours of darkness. I find it hard to run on rough tracks in the dark. I was in good company as most of the slower runners walk the majority of the night stages, jogging at best. We had a night which was well lit by the moon but it is still very hard not to fall on loose stones and tree roots.
Informal alliances occur between complete strangers as they team up to share the difficulties of travelling in a strange part of the country without mishap. Also Dave Jones and I found we were very well matched and ran almost the whole way together.
I was getting pains in my leg muscles, pains from ever growing blisters on both feet and pains in my ankles and knees. The pain in my feet was fairly welcome as it masked the pain in my knees. Oddly I didn't get hungry or thirsty. I was carrying food and the feed stages were more than adequate.
When I got to the finish, Jason had been in for five hours and had been able to snatch some sleep and was off for a walk...
1st Ryan Brown 17 : 04 : 26
22nd Jason Harrison 22 : 47 : 43
107th Dave Jones 28 : 36 : 30
109th Ian Trussler 28 : 42 : 42
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